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  2. Analytics, Reporting & Alerts

What are Mav's reporting events?

Leads - Total leads for that period or source.

Positive Intent (PI) - Total leads for that period or source that have expressed positive intent.

Note: Positive intent is any lead who has opted-in to the experience and offering but has not yet driven an outcome or win.

Wins - Total leads for that period or source that have resulted in an positive outcome (Party Line, Call Back, Link Click, etc)

Positive Intent % - Total percentage of leads for that period or source that have expressed positive intent.

Win % - Total percentage of leads for that period or source that have resulted in a postive outcomes.

Win / PI % - Total percentage of positive intent leads for that period or source that have converted into a postive outcome.

Outcomes - Breakdown of total leads per outcome.

Note: This will be a dynamic list of outcomes based on the Playbook.