How does Mav's Zapier App Work?

This guide describes how to integrate Mav with Zapier. Zapier is a web automation app that enables Mav users to connect to other online services like Salesforce, Hubspot, and thousands of others.

Step 1 - Enable the Mav Zapier App in your Account.

Click here to enable the Mav Zapier app inside your Zapier account. At the time of writing our Zapier is private and at version 3.0.

Step 2 -  Authenticate the Mav Zapier app with your Mav API Key.

Both Triggers and Actions will require you to authenticate your Zapier app to your Mav account. You can find your Mav API by clicking here while logged into Mav.

Copy and Paste your API Key into the Zapier authentication window when asked in Step 3 and 4.

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Step 3 - Action Events (Inbound)

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Run Playbook

Inside the "Run Playbook" Action Event you can provide the information on the lead.

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Stop Playbook

If you want to stop a running playbook you can do that with the "Stop Playbook" Action Event. This is as simple as passing the lead's phone number.

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Step 4 - Trigger Events (Outbound)

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Mav supports two Zapier triggers "New Outcome" and "New Event".  We recommend just subscribing to new outcomes.


Event activities are available across all playbooks and they include the following:

  • started — when Mav sends out the first message to the lead
  • opted_in — when a lead opts in
  • stopped — when a playbook is stopped (either manually or during an opt-out)
  • completed — when a playbook has reached an outcome
  • reengagement_sent — when Mav sends a smart re-engagement to a lead
  • catch_all_level1 — when a lead hits CatchAll Level 1
  • catch_all_level2 — when a lead hits CatchAll Level 2
  • catch_all_level3 — when a lead hits CatchAll Level 3

Outcome activities are specific to your playbook. However, to give you an example, a typical Outreach playbook will include these outcomes that are available for you to subscribe to:

  • not_interested — when the lead is not interested.
  • callback_requested — when the lead has requested a callback.
  • opted_out — when the lead opts out of messaging.